Gender Wage Gap: 5 Careers That Don’t Pay Women Equally

Gender wage gap is an issue in the US. According to studies, women earn around 20% less than men. If you want to know which jobs are the absolute worst at paying equally, check them  out below.

  1. Transportation, Storage and Distribut8ion Managers: Women earn around $749 per week while men earn $1006 per week.
  2. Accountants and Auditors: Women earn $988 per week while men earn about $1345 per week.
  3. General and Operations Managers: Women earn about $1,002 per week and men earn about $1347.
  4. Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians: Women earn about $796 and men earn about $1,089 per week.
  5. Financial Managers: Women earn about $1130 per week and men earn around $1732.
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