Thinking Of Changing Jobs? Not Before You Answer These Questions

Deciding to change jobs can be tricky because there’s the “Should I stay?” or  “Should I go?” part. A lot of people might recommend sticking it out for as long as possible. Others may recommend that you chase the highest dollar. Both of these logics can be reasonable, but can also hurt if not planned out wisely.

Ask yourself…..

The best thing you can do is ask yourself some really objective questions about what the outcome will look like. You should come up with your own, but to help you out here are a few to get you started.

  • Will you look like a job hopper?
  • Can your current job meet your new needs and desires?
  • Do you need to upgrade your image?

These questions will help you get started in finding out if getting a new job or just sticking it out with your new one is right for you.

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