A good credit score is important for many things in life. It’s beneficial for getting the best loans, low interest rates, and many other perks. It also makes it easier for you to get the best loan terms, lowest interest rates and most rewarding credit cards, among other perks that are good for your finances. If you want to raise your credit score there’s just a few steps you can take.
- Find out what your credit score is. Matt Schultz, the senior analyst at Creditcards.com, suggests FICO. “FICO is the gold standard for credit scores,” he says. You can order your credit score online through myFICO.com. Next, get a copy of your report. Legally, you’re allowed to get three free credit reports every year. You can get one from each of three credit bureaus: Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. A credit report shows what is affecting your credit score. “One of the quickest ways to make a bump in your score is to remove any errors on your credit report that aren’t yours,” Schulz says.
- Get caught up on past-due payments. Being late on payments such as rent, loans, etc., can affect your score a lot. According to FICO, someone with a score of 780 could fall to as low as 670 if they are 30 days late on a payment. If you’re late on any payments, got caught up quickly.