Is buying a home on your wish list? If so, you’re probably well aware of how expensive a home purchase can be. Depending on your situation, you may not be able to afford the regular mortgage lending route.
Issues that typically stand in the way of a home purchase include: bad credit, not enough money for a down payment, or just the unwillingness to go through a mortgage lender.
Its important to know that there are at least 3 alternative routes you can take that will have you living in your own home in no time without having to worry about a mortgage.
The first option is rent to own. This option allows you to pay the homeowner a lease payment. Half of it goes towards an agreed upon down payment, while the other goes towards the owner. In about 1 to 3 years, you can apply for a mortgage to buy the house.
The second option is an owner carries option where the owner agrees to carry you. You must be willing to pay the homeowner while they pay the mortgage company.
The third option is to get a fixer-upper, then flip it. Although you may still need a mortgage, the idea is to get one so small that you’ll easily reap a return.
Any of these three alternatives are worth considering if you’re looking to get into your own home without taking the traditional expensive mortgage route.