Here Are The Best Kinds Of Insurance Based On Your Car’s Age

When shopping around for car insurance, the age of your car plays an important factor in how much your premiums  will be. There’s a difference in coverage amount for a brand new car versus a middle aged car. But, how can you know the difference? Here’s a quick guide to the best kind of coverage to have for your vehicle based on its age:

Brand New Car (0 – 1 years old)
If you have a brand new car, you need to have full coverage. This ensures both you and other motorists are insured.

Young Car (2-5 years old)
Your car may have a few miles on it, but its still considered relatively new and therefore needs a good amount of coverage. Full coverage in this case is ideal.

Tweenage Car (6 to 11 years old)
By now, your car is a little older and you’ve probably paid off the loan. This means full coverage may not be needed. Some suggest that by this point, you can drop gap coverage.

Teenage Car (12 years and older)
At this point, your car is much older. The value may be down, so you probably only need liability coverage.


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