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Side Gigs You Wouldn’t Believe Make Big Bucks

Making an extra hundred bucks a month is actually easier than you think. With a little creativity and research, you’ll find lots of odd jobs and business ideas that are making a ton of money. For instance, professional cuddling… This gig is exactly what the name suggests. People will pay…

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Avoiding The Dentist Could Cost You Big

When lots of things are pulling at your budget it can be easy to shave off certain things like dentist visits. But doing so can cost you a lot of money and maybe even your smile over time. It’s a lot cheaper to just get a dental plan that covers…

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Being Cheap Can Cost You Big Time

Being cheap doesn’t always pay. In fact, often times being cheap can cause you triple or every quadruple what you’d normally pay over time. Just think about it. When you buy a cheap pair of shoes, jacket, screw driver, baby stroller – no matter what – you’ll find yourself having…

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Why BOGO Deals Aren’t Always A Great Deal After All

Everyone does their best to save money from time to time. And sometimes there are deals out there so good, you can’t refuse. But, you’d be surprised that many of those deals aren’t as good or “money-saving” miracles as you think. For instance, BOGO deals. The classic buy-one-get-one deals aren’t…

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