The Freedom Plan is right for you if you want to build your net worth, protect your family in case of emergencies or unexpected events, own your own home, or love your job.
Follow The Freedom Plan to achieve freedom in every part of your life. Education. Financial. Housing. Insurance.
Need More Details? Here’s the scoop.
There are 5 steps to The Freedom Plan. By completing these steps, you will be able to have freedom in your education, finances, housing, and insurance.
STEP 1 | Build your credit and be in a position to buy a home. We will walk you through credit repair, building credit with the right cards, and helping you pay off any debt you currently have.
STEP 2 | Determine what your desired career is. In order to get a job in that field, you will need to have the right credentials and experience. Take this career quiz to figure out what career is best suited for you.
After you have taken the career quiz, if you need additional school, sign up for DegreeFinder to be matched to schools that fit your needs. Most of the programs are online and part time so that you can earn your degree or credentials while still keeping your job.
We also can match you with scholarships to help cover the cost of your education. Imagine being able to work while at the same time getting the education you deserve paid for with scholarships!
STEP 3 | Now that your credit is in line and you have your career set up (or you are on your way, by getting the education you need for it) you are ready to get into that forever home. There are two ways to do this – you can buy a home OR you can “rent to own” which lets you put some of your rent towards a downpayment. That way when you apply for mortgages you already have cash set aside which is appealing to lenders. There are $0-down mortgages but they are rare. There are also mortgages that let you put a lower percent down; this is probably what will be easiest!
STEP 4 | If you aren’t in your new home, you are well on your way to being there by this point. Now is the time to protect your family and help them keep that home by getting life insurance. Life insurance is a great way to manage your estate because it gives your family tax-free income.
STEP 5 | Now that you have the life you deserve, you just need to monitor each piece – pay your monthly balances on time, keep working hard, and enjoy the life you have built for you and your family.