So you’re unsure what career path to take. You know you like helping people but just aren’t sure what you want to do? Well we’re here to tell you that a career in nursing may be the best choice. Below are 7 reasons you should pursue a career in nursing:
- The world needs more nurses! – The world’s population is growing and people are living longer. Advancements in medicine have increased the average life span and we need nurses to take care of the sick.
- Great compensation – The average nurse makes around $50,000 a year and nurses who specialize in a certain field can make even more.
- Workplace flexibility – As a nurse you can work in many different types of establishments such as hospitals, schools, home care, or even a private practice.
- Flexible schedule – You can choose what shifts you want to work, whether it be a 12 hour shift (less days a week) or a 4 hour shift (more days a week).
- You can travel – Many nurses are freelance so they have the ability to work a specific period of time at one hospital and be relocated to another city once their contract has expired.
- Job security – Demand for nurses will always be high, no matter what the economic situation is.
- It’s rewarding – You get to help other people and save lives everyday. What’s more rewarding than that?
If you’re interested in becoming a nurse and what to find some local nursing programs near you then CLICK HERE