Even though paying off a mortgage in 15 years seems better than 30 years, the higher payments may feel too scary. You may be afraid you won’t be able to afford it. There is a way to get around it, but the benefits will depend on you. Go ahead and…
Even though paying off a mortgage in 15 years seems better than 30 years, the higher payments may feel too scary. You may be afraid you won’t be able to afford it. There is a way to get around it, but the benefits will depend on you. Go ahead and…
Monthly payments are lower on longer term loans than they are shorter term loans, but the interest rates are also lower. So, if you have a 15 year mortgage, you’ll end up saving more money, you just have to cough up more money each month. Here’s what you need to…
When you’re sick and tired of being strapped with a mortgage payment, it’s time to show it some tough love. That means hunkering down and getting that sucker out of your hair forever. It may take a little sacrifice, and bootstrapping, but if you commit, you’ll be much happier 3…
Sometimes it isn’t the mortgage payment itself holding you back, it’s how you’re viewing the payment. You can actually pay off your mortgage faster if you change your point of view and approach your monthly payments differently. For example, did you know that if you simply round up your payments…
Did you know that if you make half-sized payments on your mortgage every two weeks, you could pay off your mortgage faster? Essentially, you end up making 13 monthly payments instead of 12 which ends up applying more money to the principal. It’s simple. Simply send half the payment in either by…