Are you paying the same amount in insurance on your car now that you were paying a year or two ago? If so, you may be paying too much. One of the biggest factors that effects your car insurance rate is the age of your car. Since a car value…
Are you paying the same amount in insurance on your car now that you were paying a year or two ago? If so, you may be paying too much. One of the biggest factors that effects your car insurance rate is the age of your car. Since a car value…
You can easily find great deals on car insurance if you take the time to look. However, there are situations where you can expect to pay more. Two in particular include, when purchasing your policy for the first time and after you’ve been without coverage for more than a month….
Think renters insurance is too expensive? Well, think again. Renters insurance is actually very affordable. How affordable? In some cases it’s as little as the cost of a pizza per month. For even more savings, you can look for companies that offer multi-policy discounts. When selecting a policy look at factors…
The goal of residential flood insurance is to provide protection for your home in the event of a flood. Regular insurance doesn’t extend protection in the event of a flood. Coverage can be obtained through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). NFIP has a tool that will let you see…
Many US cities are seeing more and more of their residents getting health insurance coverage. In case you live in one of these areas already, or are thinking about moving to them, it’s good to know that these places are seeing health coverage growth: Laredo, Texas Santa Fe, New Mexico Madera, California Salem, Oregon…